Please consider submitting abstracts to session #58 Quantifying Uncertainty in Forest Measurements and Models: Approaches and Applications, offered under the Congress Theme Forests and Climate Change, to share approaches to analyzing uncertainty in forest measurements and give examples of applications of uncertainty in above- and belowground estimates of forest biomass, carbon, and nutrient pools and fluxes, ans well as other ecosystem attributes. Oral and poster presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
QUEST will also have a sub-plenary session, The Importance of Quantifying Uncertainty in Managing Forests. Invited presenters will describe sources of uncertainty in estimates of forest carbon and nutrient pools and fluxes, including natural spatial and temporal variation, measurement error, model uncertainty, and model selection, and address how these uncertainties can guide monitoring designs and affect management and policy decision.
The Sub-Plenary and the Technical Session are being organized by Ruth Yanai, SUNY-ESF, USA; George Gertner, University of Illinois, USA; David Paré, Canadian Forest Service; Peter Clinton, Scion, New Zealand; and Bogdan Strimbu, Louisiana Tech University, USA.
English language abstracts ( are due before the site closes October 15; abstracts may also be submitted in Spanish or French, but should be submitted by 15 September, to allow sufficient time for translation prior to review by session coordinators and the Congress Scientific Committee. Also note that all presenting authors (oral or poster presentations) must register for the Congress by April 30, 2014 – failure to do so will result in the presentation’s deletion from both the program and the abstracts volume of The International Forestry Review.
Please join us in Salt Lake City in October 2014! For more information, visit