C., M.E. Slater, J.A. Roberti, S.H. Laseter, and L.W. Swift Jr. 2017.
High-resolution precipitation mapping in a mountainous watershed: ground truth
for evaluating uncertainty in a national precipitation dataset. International
Journal of Climatology, DOI:
At one time, Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory had over
100 precipitation collectors, which were used to inform interpolation of a
reduced monitoring scheme. These spatially intensive data made it
possible to test the predictions of the PRISM national-scale gridded
precipitation dataset and quantify sources of uncertainty.
Csavina, J., J.A.
Roberti, J.R. Taylor, adn H.W. Loescher. 2017. Traceable measurements and
calibration: a primer on uncertainty analysis. Ecosphere, 8(2) e01683, DOI:
This paper describes the approach used by NEON, the National
Ecological Observatory Network, to uncertainty analysis, and includes a
glossary of terms. Bone up on accuracy, precision, and trueness!