We are
pleased to announce a special issue of CJFR titled: Quantifying
uncertainty in forest measurements and models: Approaches and applications. Many of the papers in this issue will be based on
the research presented in the QUEST sessions at the 2014 IUFRO world congress in Salt Lake City, but we
encourage the submission of any relevant papers.
The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2015. The Online First technology allows for immediate online publication after acceptance, so the paper can be cited before the issue appears in print (Fall 2015).
CJFR is published by NRC Research Press, a non for profit organization. Instruction for Authors can be found at: http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/page/cjfr/authors
During submission you will be asked if the paper is for a special issue. Please respond yes, and when prompted by Scholar One, provide the issue name “Quantifying uncertainty in forest measurements and models: Approaches and applications”. Please also mention the special issue in your cover letter.
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